Who's around here?
Firstly, allow me to introduce myself.
I'm Miguel García (aka Milhaud), a map lover who has been sharing and commenting on all types of maps on different platforms for more than 10 years. Since 2022, I have also maintained a map catalogue and a newsletter in Spanish.
This new newsletter will continue with that project, but for the first time in English. I have worked with English for almost 20 years. English is not my mother language, but I have worked with it for almost 20 years. I will talk about various topics, with maps as a background. Often, maps will only be a tool or an excuse to tell a story or reflect on an issue.
If this interests you, feel free to subscribe and spread the word.

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🇪🇸 Tengo más intereses de los que una vida puede abarcar. Tengo fijación con los mapas y los uso para contar historias. 🇬🇧 I have more interests than a lifetime can cover. I have a fixation with maps and use them to tell stories.